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Krissy Kimura

UX Project Manager

Krissy is a creative problem solver passionate about community-led social impact. After completing her undergraduate degree in Global Studies, she joined the Peace Corps as a Health Education Volunteer in Tanzania. This was her initial introduction to a human-centered approach to problem solving. After completing her service, Krissy received her graduate degree in public policy with a focus on conflict/conflict resolution.

I value Anthro-Tech's commitment to social impact and our emphasis on relationship-building—both internally and with our clients.

For several years, Krissy worked in the international development and public health sphere as a project manager. Seeing the potential for technology to accelerate social and economic development, she began studying UX. After working as a UX Designer for several federal contractors, she's found the both of best worlds as a UX Project Manager with Anthro-Tech. Her work focuses on connecting people and optimizing processes to deliver social impact.

Outside of work, Krissy enjoys drinking iced lattes, reading fantasy books, soaking up the sun, spotting wildlife, and traveling with her growing family!