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Products Missing the Mark? Customer Research Can Fix That

Have you ever been in a meet­ing where opin­ions dif­fer, but no one knows what cus­tomers actu­al­ly need? Has a project derailed because deci­sions came from assump­tions rather than data? These are com­mon sce­nar­ios in design that show why you need cus­tomer research. 

Two people interacting with a kiosk with two researchers holding clipboards.

Signs You Don’t Have Enough Customer Data to Make a Decision

Hearsay and Assumptions

Design choices based on rumors or guesswork can mislead us. Hearsay is when you rely on secondhand information or opinions, which might not accurately reflect what customers need. Assumptions are guesses about what customers want, often influenced by biases or limited data. Both can lead to wasted resources and solutions that don’t meet customer needs.

Contradicting Feedback

When you get a lot of different feedback, it’s a sign that your data might be incomplete. For example, some customers might like a feature while others find it confusing. These differences in opinions mean you need more customer input to make better, informed decisions.

Disagreements Among Your Team

Disagreements within a design team can be a sign of a deeper issue: misunderstanding customer needs. Arguments over priorities, such as new features versus usability improvements, often happen when there’s no shared understanding. This leads to a product that doesn’t meet its goals and disrupts teamwork.

Benefits of Customer Research

By prioritizing customer research, you're making informed decisions in design. You're planning for success by creating products and services that work for your target audience. 

Find Hidden Needs

Customer research removes guesswork, revealing what matters to your audience. Techniques such as surveys, interviews, and journal studies provide important insights into their needs, wants, and frustrations.

Design for Real People

Functionality matters just as much as looks. By watching how customers use prototypes or existing products during usability tests and contextual interviews, you can find usability issues and design intuitive solutions that work for customers.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Involving customers throughout the design process makes it likelier that you’ll meet their expectations and solve their problems. Satisfied customers lead to brand loyalty and a successful business.

Save Time and Money

Skipping customer research can result in costly mistakes, like investing in a product people dislike or find difficult to use. By investing in research first, you can avoid these issues and use your development budget more effectively.

How to Make Decisions Based on Customer Research Data

Turning customer research data into decisions is key to successful design. Here are the main ways to connect them and make informed choices:

Conduct Rolling Research

Don’t conduct research only once. Use rolling research such as customer surveys, usability studies, or A/B tests throughout your design process. Continuous feedback helps you identify information gaps early and change your designs based on real-world customer behavior.

Action Step: Start rolling research with your target audience to gather ongoing feedback.

Visualize the Customer Journey

In addition to gathering data, map out the customer experience. Create customer journey maps to track interactions at each touchpoint. These maps show needs, expectations, and potential frustrations.

Action Step: Host workshops with stakeholders to plan solutions based on customer journey maps. 

Create User Personas 

Give your data a human face with user personas representing your target audience, including demographics, behaviors, and goals. This personalization helps you understand their needs and challenges, leading to more human-centered designs.

Customer research persona with photo of a healthcare worker and various data points

Action Step: Make user personas based on your research findings and data.

Find Meaningful Insights in Data

Don't be overwhelmed by data. Analyze research findings to find insights that can help you make decisions. Look for patterns and trends that reveal why customers behave the way they do.

Action Step: Use data visualization tools to identify patterns and correlations that show emotional and behavioral influences.

By using these strategies, you can make decisions based on data that increase customer satisfaction and project success. These strategies are interconnected: rolling research informs customer journey maps, which influence user personas, and all lead to insights that inform decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Customer research is essential for informed design decisions.
  • Recognize signs you need more data, like hearsay, contradictions, and disagreements.
  • Use strategies such as rolling research, customer journey maps, and user personas to improve your design process.