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Anthro-Tech Wins w3 Award for Government Website Redesign


Anthro-Tech is proud to announce that we have been hon­ored with the pres­ti­gious w3 Award for in the cat­e­go­ry of Gov­ern­ment Web­site Redesign.” Our work not only met but sur­passed reg­u­la­to­ry require­ments, set­ting an improved stan­dard for gov­ern­ment agen­cies seek­ing to offer stream­lined online ser­vices to their constituents.

W3 Awards banner with the text: Anthro-Tech wins government website redesign award

About the w3 Awards

The w3 Awards celebrates digital excellence by honoring outstanding Websites, Marketing, Video, Mobile Sites & Apps, Social, and Podcasts created by some of the best interactive agencies, designers, and creators worldwide. Simply put, the w3 Awards is the first major web competition to be accessible to the biggest agencies, the smallest firms, and everyone in between.

Winning Project: Washington State Department of Enterprise Services

Our winning project focused on the Phase 1 redesign of the DES website ( We collaborated with DES to improve usability, achieve business objectives, modernize the look and feel, and align with evolving customer needs. Using the Human-Centered Design approach, our team of experts in UX research, design, content strategy, and accessibility ensured that the new website would be both useful and user-friendly.

The DES website on various devices
A mobile-friendly, accessible website for DES.

The result is a mobile-friendly, accessible website with a revamped information architecture that prominently showcases DES products and services. Clear calls-to-action guide customers on how to engage with DES, while a visual rebranding creates a cohesive identity that highlights the agency's diverse offerings.

The launch of Phase 1 received rave reviews for its simplicity and user-friendliness. Customers now find it even easier to discover and understand DES services thanks to reduced content and intuitive design. Their improved self-service options also empower customers by saving time and effort, while fostering trust and satisfaction.

Making Impactful Change

Through our online transformation, we've made DES more accessible and customer-friendly, empowering citizens to access government services effortlessly. We're proud to be part of such meaningful projects, and we thank the w3 Awards for recognizing this important work. Our gratitude goes out to the DES team and all the customers who played a role in the design process. Together, we're driving significant change.