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Celebrating Inclusive Design: Anthro-Tech’s Triple Win at the MUSE Creative Awards

We are thrilled to share the excit­ing news of our recent triple win at the MUSE Cre­ative Awards in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Wash­ing­ton State Depart­ment of Licens­ing (DOL) and our esteemed part­ner, WaT­e­ch. Rec­og­nized for Best Gov­ern­ment Web­site, Best User Expe­ri­ence, and Best Web­site Redesign, these acco­lades under­score our com­mit­ment to inno­va­tion and excel­lence in the industry. 

Illustration of three MUSE trophies

The MUSE Creative Awards celebrates the best in creative design, advertising, and digital media, recognizing innovation and excellence worldwide, while setting the benchmark for excellence in the industry.

Winning Project: Washington State DOL Website Redesign

The Washington State DOL website redesign project highlights the power of Human-Centered Design in enhancing government services. Through a collaborative effort focused on customer experience and accessibility, we crafted a customer-friendly website that caters to the needs of over 40 million annual visitors. Notable improvements include enhanced accessibility features, increased mobile compatibility, and improved content readability.

Person using a laptop to view the new DOL website

The new Washington Department of Licensing website offers direct access to customers’ top tasks, crucial for the wide array of services provided.

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Transforming Government Services through Inclusive Design

Our award-winning DOL website overhaul demonstrates the widespread advantages of inclusive design practices. By implementing intuitive navigation tailored for individuals with disabilities, we streamlined the customer experience for all visitors. Additionally, our clear content structure, optimized for those with visual impairments, ensures improved readability across the board.

Encouraging Inclusive Design in Government Agencies

We advocate for the widespread adoption of inclusive design principles within government agencies. By embracing these principles, agencies can:

  • Enhance customer experience through inclusive design.
  • Expand civic engagement by serving a broader audience.
  • Cultivate trust and credibility by demonstrating a commitment to serving all customers equally.

We're honored to be part of these impactful projects, and we extend our gratitude to the MUSE Creative Awards for acknowledging our efforts. Special thanks to the DOL team, our partner, WaTech, and all the customers involved in the design process. Together, we're making a meaningful difference.